
Ubisoft boss Guillemot condemns "malicious" attacks towards developers

Ubisoft boss Guillemot condemns "malicious" attacks towards developers

The CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot said that "malicious and personal online attacks" directed at its staff are one of the things he is most concerned about in the games industry right now. 

In a Q&A on the French publishing giant's own website, its founder condemned such behaviour. Though it wasn't framed as being in relation to a specific game, it's likely that it is a response inspired by the reaction online to the newly-announced Assassin's Creed Shadows. That game has come under fire for featuring a black Samurai – the real life figure, Yasuke – and thus being incorrect or pandering somehow. 

At the same time, this isn't the first time that the online reaction to Ubisoft games has been filled with such vitriol, so it's possible this is a more general statement. 

"One thing I am concerned about right now is the malicious and personal online attacks that have been directed at some of our team members and partners," he said. 

"I want to make it clear that we, at Ubisoft, condemn these hateful acts in the strongest possible terms, and I encourage the rest of the industry and players to denounce them, too. I am proud to support the amazing work of our teams and partners, and I will always trust in their creative choices. We should all celebrate the hard work and talent that goes into making video games." 

PCGamesInsider Contributing Editor

Alex Calvin is a freelance journalist who writes about the business of games. He started out at UK trade paper MCV in 2013 and left as deputy editor over three years later. In June 2017, he joined Steel Media as the editor for new site In October 2019 he left this full-time position at the company but still contributes to the site on a daily basis. He has also written for, VGC, Games London, The Observer/Guardian and Esquire UK.